Resource Technologies Corporation
Mineral Valuation • GIS/Digital Mapping • Expert Testimony

Resource Technologies Corporation (RTC) specializes in mineral appraisals for businesses or landowners with mineral assets including but not limited to: coal, oil & gas, aggregate, and even specialty minerals such as gold. In addition to mineral valuation, RTC provides GIS and digital mapping services, industrial site appraisals, land appraisals, appraisal reviews, expert witness testimony, and more.

RTC’s appraisal personnel have developed sophisticated valuation models for the appraisal of mineral operations and mineral reserves. These models combine the power of digital mapping with modern databases to provide unparalleled analytical capabilities. RTC also assists many local and state agencies in mass appraisal of mineral assets for tax purposes. All of our appraisal reports are both USPAP- and FIRREA-compliant.

A few of the businesses and assets for which RTC has provided mineral valuations have included the following:

  • Oil and gas reserves and wells
  • Coal mines
  • Aggregate lime, sand, and other mineral reserves
  • Mineral processing and shipping facilities
  • Rural properties

 RTC has completed mineral valuations of properties valued at more than $4,000,000,000 and less than $10,000. Some examples of our appraisal projects include:

  • High-Calcium lime deposit in Texata, British Columbia, Canada
  • Sodium operation in Texas
  • Oil and gas reserves and wells in Pennsylvania, eastern Ohio, and southern New York
  • Portland cement quarrying and processing facilities in southeastern Maine
  • Block plant operations in Kentucky and Tennessee

 We specialize in a wide array of appraisals and will travel throughout the United States and Canada.  Contact us risk-free today to discuss your appraisal needs.

Oil & Gas Info Center

While Resource Technologies Corporation is not a leasing or drilling company, we can appraise your oil & gas property and provide other related services.

Current News

Oil and Gas       

Anti-fracking sentiments continue as Michigan attempts to join New York, Vermont, and Maryland as states that ban fracking...Read More.

Construction Materials Producers and COVID-19

Demand for aggregate depends largely on construction activity.  Over the past two weeks, a few states put construction work (both residential and commercial) in the category of a non-essential business.  As of today, these states include Washington, Michigan, New York, Vermont, and Pennsylvania. That being said, each state has exceptions.  For example, Pennsylvania permits aggregate companies to work on critical PennDOT projects.  Builder News provides a map showing the status of construction limits by state...Read More.


According to EIA (U.S. Energy Information Administration), year-to-date coal production fell 16.8% from 2019 to 2020 as of March 28, 2020.  The western states, led by Wyoming, contribute a lion’s share of coal production in the U.S...See Complete Study